The Board of Trustees will consider from time to time the naming of new or existing buildings or portions contained therein in honor of some persons who have contributed significantly to Spokane Colleges. It is the intent of the board that such naming conveys the highest honor and is reserved for those individuals or organizations who have made extraordinary contributions to Spokane Colleges through personal service and financial support.
No publicly funded building shall be named in honor of some person or persons. Publicly funded means any funds originating from State or Federal dollars or funds raised in the business of the college such as student fees. Buildings that are funded 50% or greater by private dollars may be honor named when recommended by Spokane Colleges Foundation Board in accordance with the Foundation Naming Policy, concurred by the Chancellor and approved by the Board of Trustees.
Honor names shall normally be limited to ten years or less unless recommended by the Board of Trustees or Foundation Board for a longer or indefinite term and approved by the Board of Trustees. Prior to the end of the honor name term, the party which made the original naming proposal shall determine whether the naming should be extended for another term up to ten years. A recommendation will then go to the Chancellor and then to the Board of Trustees for a final decision.
No facility may be named for any individual who is currently serving on the Board of Trustees or employed by the district.
Naming buildings and other facilities in honor of persons is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees. Naming of buildings, facilities and rooms and the duration of honor names shall conform to the administrative procedures of the Chancellor.
The Board of Trustees shall have the sole right to remove an honor name from a building or room at any time when the name is determined to reflect adversely on the reputation of the college, District or mission or otherwise be determined through a majority of the Board to be unsuited for further recognition as an honor name.
[Adopted 09/20/05; effective 01/01/06; formerly 1.71.01; Amended 10/15/13; Amended 11/20/18]
A. Naming Facilities & Rooms