Spokane Colleges has support service programs and centers for students who have documented disabilities and who are “otherwise qualified” for community college programs (as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act). Services may include academic, vocational and rehabilitation counseling and assistance with admission and registration.
Academic accommodations and adjustments are available based upon individually determined needs and may include interpreters, assistive learning devices and technology, note takers, readers, scribes, materials and textbooks in alternate format, large print or Braille materials, priority registration, alternate testing, information, and referral services. Other specialized services may be arranged on an individual basis.
To receive services, students are required to contact and provide documentation of their disability to the Disability Access Services (DAS) office at SCC 509-533-7169, Fax 509-533-8877, or Email DAS@scc.spokane.edu; or at SFCC 509-533-4166, Fax 509-533-4171, or Email SFCC.DAS@sfcc.spokane.edu. All inquiries and requests for services are considered private.