Prepare for your upcoming AFHA class!
You will need a laptop or desktop computer for this course.
Smart phones can be used in addition to other devices but cannot be the main/only device
- As a Spokane Colleges student, you have access to the SFCC and SCC campus libraries.
- Students can check out laptops for several nights, or several weeks.
- Students can also check out Wi-Fi hot spots.
- Private study rooms can be reserved.
- Please let Mary McDaniel know if you wish to utilize the services at SCC or SFCC libraries.
CANVAS and Zoom
You are expected have access to your CANVAS account and to have tested out Zoom before the start of class.
Your online class will be held using CANVAS, an online learning tool. You will use Zoom to engage with your instructor and other classmates.
- DO NOT WAIT until the day before, or the morning of, to activate your account and login. It takes up to 48 hours for our IT to resolve any login issues. Please create your login asap to ensure enough time to resolve any potential problems.
- Test your technology ahead of time. For example: Does Zoom work on your computer? Do the speakers and microphone work?
Please follow the directions below to access your CANVAS account now!
CANVAS Written Directions
Already have a ctclink account?
- Go to
- Your username is your ctcLinkID number:
- Your password is the same as the one you created for your ctcLink account.
Are a new student and need to activate your ctcLink ID account?
- Go to ctcLink
- Click “Activate Your Account” towards bottom of page.
- Enter required information.
- Answer security questions.
- Write down your ctclink ID and password.
Please contact our IT Department at (509) 533-4357 to receive assistance with logging in.
Adult Family Home Administrator Course Book
A digital copy of the Adult Family Home Administrator course book will be provided within the course. It can be downloaded and kept for future use.
Please contact Mary McDaniel via email at if you would like a hardcopy of the book.
Due to postal service, the course book can take up to two weeks or more to arrive. We ask that you pick up your hardcopy in person if possible. We understand that this is not an option for all students.