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Many facilities at Spokane Community College (SCC), Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC) and our off-campus centers are available for public use, including auditoriums, athletic facilities and our student union buildings. For terms of use, see the CCS Facility Usage Agreement.

To find out about these facilities, and for information about fees, policies, forms and rental procedures, call the numbers listed below, or visit the SFCC and SCC rental websites.

Spokane Falls Community College

Student Union Building: 509-533-3338
Administration Building: 509-533-3535
Theater/Communications Building: 509-533-3105
Physical education/athletic facilities: 509-533-7231


Spokane Community College

Lair-Student Center and other campus facilities: 509-533-8657
Colville Education Center: 509-685-2120
Newport Education Center:  509-447-3835