State of Washington Uniform Controlled Substances Act (69.50 RCW)
State of Washington Penalties for Consuming Alcohol or Cannabis and Driving Under the Age 21 (RCW 46.61.503)
State of Washington Physical Control of Vehicle While Under the Influence (RCW 46.61.504)
State of Washington Possession of Useable Cannabis, Cannabis Concentrates, or Cannabis-infused Products—Delivery RCW (RCW 69.50.4013) (Please note: CCS enforces federal drug laws)
State of Washington Statutory Provisions for Illegal Drugs Manufacture or Delivery of a Controlled Substance (RCW 69.50.401)
State of Washington Statutory Provisions for Sale, Delivery, or Possession of Legend Drug without Prescription or Order Prohibited (RCW 69.41.030)
Federal Drug Laws (21 USC Controlled Substances Act)
The possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs is prohibited by federal law. Strict penalties are enforced for drug convictions, including mandatory prison terms for many offenses. The following information is an overview of federal penalties for first convictions.
Forfeiture of Personal Property and Real Estate (21 USC 853)
Any person convicted of a federal drug offense punishable by more than one year in prison shall forfeit to the United States any personal or real property related to the violation.
Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties (21 USC 841)
Penalties for federal drug trafficking convictions vary according to the quantity of the controlled substance involved in the transaction. The following list is a sample of the range and severity of federal penalties imposed for first convictions. Penalties for subsequent convictions may be twice as severe.
If death or serious bodily injury result from the use of a controlled substance which has been illegally distributed, the person convicted on federal charges of distributing the substance faces mandatory life sentence and fines ranging up to $20 million.
Persons convicted on federal charges of drug trafficking within 1,000 feet of a college (21 USC 860) face penalties of prison terms twice as high and fines up to twice as high as the regular penalties for the offense, with a mandatory prison sentence of at least 1 year.
Federal Drug Possession Penalties (21 USC 844)
Persons convicted on Federal charges of possessing any controlled substance face penalties of up to one year in prison and a mandatory fine of no less than $1,000 Second convictions are punishable by not less than 15 days but not more than two years in prison and a minimum fine of $2,500. Subsequent convictions are punishable by not less than 90 days but not more than three years in prison and a minimum fine of $5,000.
Civil penalties of up to $10,000 (21 USC 844a) may also be imposed for possession of small amounts of controlled substances, whether or not criminal prosecution is pursued