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Consumer Information Notice to Students Concerning Penalties for Drug Violations HEOA Sec. 488(g) HEA Sec. 485 (k) (1) (2)

The institution is required to provide a timely notice to each student who has lost eligibility for any a grant, loan or work-study assistance as a result of penalties a separate clear, and conspicuous written notice that notifies the student of the loss of eligibility and advises the student of the ways in which to regain eligibility.  

Community Colleges of Spokane notifies the student about the drug offense question as soon as the student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) loads into the Financial Aid software.  The student will receive a letter containing the following paragraph:   

You reported that you have been convicted of an illegal drug offense or you left question #23 blank on your FAFSA.  You may be ineligible for federal financial aid.  Complete, sign and return the enclosed Student Aid Eligibility Worksheet for Question 23 to the Financial Aid Office to determine if your drug conviction affects your eligibility for federal financial aid.  If you have questions about your eligibility, call the Federal Financial Aid Help Line at 800-433-3243.