STIP is a network of partners, sharing data and information
The Student Transitions Information Project is a data sharing and reporting collaboration between CCS and high schools in eastern and central Washington. Together we explore what happens to students as they progress through secondary school. STIP also provides information about what happens to your students after they leave secondary school. How well were they prepared for college, and how well do they do? How well are high school programs (such as GEAR UP, MESA or others) preparing students for post-secondary education?
The K-20 Information Gap
Districts cannot measure whether algebra-based math better prepares students for college than integrated math, or whether Advanced Placement courses better prepare students than Running Start, because they don't have access to data on what happens to students after they graduate. Their individual data sets are too small to provide rigorous results. By pooling data and analyzing the results over dozens of school districts and thousands of students, STIP will help high schools fuel innovation and improvement. STIP uses an intervention science approach to connect student-level data to intervention delivery. STIP specialized reporting can help you target intervention efforts by offering insights into the needs of special segments of your student population.
The Power of Collaboration
STIP not only provides network partners with insights about their own students' outcomes - our reports also enable partners to compare data and programs with other partner schools. By participating in the STIP network, partners have access to information about best practices as they emerge.